Riku Onda

Riku Onda (real name Nanae Kumagai) is a contemporary Japanese writer born in 1964 in Aomori. She graduated from Waseda University in 1987, and then worked in an office for several years. After reading Kōkyū shōsetsu by Ken’ichi Sakemi, she decided to quit her job and try to write a novel. She made her debut in the 1990s. He creates popular literature of an extraordinary multitude of genres – detective stories, horrors, fantasy novels, young adult…

Her most famous works include Yoru no Picnic (Picnic at Night), for which she received the Hon’ya Taisho (Booksellers Award) in 2005, and Pszczoły i grom w oddali, for which she received two distinctions in 2017 – Naoki Prize and Hon’ya Taisho.

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