
Xinran, or Xue Xinran (薛欣然), is a writer, publicist and social advocate born in Beijing in 1958. She initiated a program called The Mothers’ Bridge of Love, through which she aims to give adoptive Chinese children living in the West access to their cultural heritage and history. Xinran also promotes Asian literature as one of the main organizers of Asia House Festival of Asian Literature.

Her books oscillate around the histories and experiences of women and children in China and the West. They originated from the interviews and travels, which left Xinran fascinated with oral history of Chinese women. Hence emerged her first book, The Good Women of China: Hidden Voices, which consists in stories Xinran collected during her radio broadcasts. In Sky Burial published in 2004, she focuses on the biography of a woman whose husband was sent to Tibet with the Chinese army in the 1950s. Her subsequent publications, including What the Chinese Don’t Eat (2006), China Witness: Voices from a Silent Generation (2008) or Message from an Unknown Chinese Mother (2010) document further exploration of the problems related to motherhood, femininity, and the experience of migration, often resulting from political upheaval.

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