What a wonderful album this is! We passed it from hand to hand in Tajfuny office, writing down the names of illustrators, painters, graphic artists and cartoonists who stole our hearts, hoping that one day we would have the opportunity to use their works on Tajfuny book covers.
Leanne Lee from Hong Kong-based publishing house Victionary is responsible for the selection of works and the entire concept of the book. The inspiration is in the title: “Lost in reverie”. Dreams, visions and everything that our imagination can offer. There are both more oneiric, magical illustrations (“Into The Light” section) and more surreal, sometimes nightmarish ones (“Into The Dark”) The book is divided in half – when you open it on one side, you open the “light” section, and when you turn it from the other side – the “dark” section.
Interestingly, you will not find page numbers in the book (as the editor mentions in one of the online interviews: who needs page numbers when dreaming?), nor any information or text that will distract you from the visual aspects. Descriptions of the works, biographical notes of the authors and directions where you can further search for their work are located in the middle of the book, between the two sections. Nothing better than continuing the search for more Pei-Hsin Cho illustrations or Fuco Ueda’s futuristic paintings.