Master Japanese Conjugations: JLPT N4-N5


There is probably no other way to learn the conjugation of Japanese verbs (and adjectives) than systematic repetition, getting used to the rules and the few (but important!) exceptions. If you already know that kaku means to write but you are still terrified of the forms like kakeru, kakeba, kakanai, kakimasen, or the most scary kakareru, then this book is for you!

Master Japanese Conjugations is a great blend of a textbook and exercises. A red foil is attached to the book, which you can cover the pages with – then the answers printed in red ink disappear, and you can train our memory. This is an ingenious solution popular in Japan-printed reference books. It is a pity that we hardly see this among our native publications.

The presented vocabulary and grammar forms correspond to JLPT levels N5 and N4, but the textbook can also be used by self-learners up to N3 level who would like to have something at hand to systematize their knowledge of grammar. And at the same time, it will be an handy revision tool.

Czas oczekiwania: 5-6 weeks








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Najniższa cena od 30 dni: April 23, 2024 , 99,00  Category:
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