Druga część My Weekly Korean Vocabulary – znajdziecie tutaj kilkadziesiąt ogólnych słów/fraz podzielonych na konkretne dni, ale to, co jest najbardziej użyteczne, to cała lista praktycznych przykładów, jak można je wykorzystać.
Along with a specific word, we get to know 20 examples of its use – from very beginner to advanced.
It is also a great way to review grammar structures and other vocabulary, as the words and grammatical constructions used are listed next to each example. However, you will not find any detailed explanation on the grammatical structures used here, so this aspect requires separate practice through, for example, TalkToMeInKorean main textbook series.
As is the case with all titles published by TalkToMeInKorean, you can listen to the audio material spoken by native speakers on their website to practice your pronunciation and listening skills.