Masayuki Kawashima, nearing his thirties and father to baby Rie, appears to be happily married to the compassionate and charming Yoko. But as he stands over the baby’s crib with an ice pick in his hand, he asks himself: would I be capable of stabbing her? and the answer is not at all clear to him. In order to stop this overwhelming feeling, Masayuki decides to carry out an unusual plan …
Chiaki Sanada works as a call girl at night and spends her days dazed with sleeping pills. Both function as a smokescreen, a defense mechanism of becomin someone else in order to not think or face her worst nightmares. When she is roused from her blissful nap and summoned to a business hotel, she doesn’t know what she’s getting into.
Piercing draws you in like a thriller and scares you like true crime. It is a captivating story about the demons of the past and the psychological devastation that domestic violence can cause to adults.