Sār: The Essence of Indian Design


Sār is an extremely interesting album about Indian design. It is easier to find this type of book about other countries. India is rarely taken into consideration – but it’s really worth it, because the 200 items presented here are really fascinating.

The album opens with an essay on the history of handicraft and design and the idea behind the creation of this book. Each photo takes up a whole page here so that nothing distracts us from seeing objects in as much detail as possible. And you will find a great variety of objects here: from plastic flip-flops, through traditional hand-woven clothes, dishes or wooden toys, to cars and electronic devices.

The album is divided into 7 chapters: Believing, Decorating, Coming & going, Relaxing, Eating & Drinking, Wearing and Holding. Each presented object is meticulously described: when and from what material it was made, by whom it was designed, where it comes from. Various concepts that may be unfamiliar to a reader from another culture are also explained.

This album will certainly be an excellent introduction to Indian culture.

Designers must consider how to encapsulate the influences and qualities from 5,000 years of history and combine it with sixty years of post-Independence to produce this identity. They must also consider that India is not a homogenous monolith that can be fitted easily into one national congruity.

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Najniższa cena od 30 dni: May 2, 2023 , 279,00  Categories: , ,

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