This is a challenging read for those interested in history, religion and Christianity in Japan and is often on the lists of the greatest literary works of the 20th century.
Silence Shūsaku Endō is a journey in time to the 17th century and Japan closed to the world. It tells the story of Portugal missionaries who came to Japan to spread the faith among “hidden Christians” (kakure kirishitan), forced to practice their religion in hiding out of fear of shogunate’s repressions.
The preface to the Picador Classic edition was written by Martin Scorsese who, after years of endeavours, brought Silence to the big screen in 2016.
“Silence is the story of a man who learns – so painfully – that God’s love is more mysterious than he knows,” he explains. “That He leaves much more to the ways of men than we realize, and that He is always present… even in His silence.”