Japanese Myths to idealne wprowadzenie do świata japońskich mitów i legend, a także nie lada gratka dla wszystkich miłośników bóstw, duchów, potworów i niezwykłych stworzeń.
It is a comprehensive compendium of knowledge on Japanese mythology, which starts with the oldest recorded legends about Izanagi and Izanami, their divine offspring and the origins of Japan, through medieval tales of legendary emperors, warriors, hermits and vengeful spirits, to the present day. For centuries, mythology has been vibrant, expanding and influencing Japanese society and pop culture. The author not only presents the stories of individual deities, but also attempts to explain their place in Japanese religion, culture and art.
The book’s content is wonderful, but it’s beautiful edition is also impressive. The book also features 90 breathtaking illustrations, all printed on fantastic thick paper.