In Kimi no Suizou wo Tabetai, the main character and narrator, Boku(I), finds a diary in a hospital. The diary’s owner and author turns out to be his classmate Sakura. The girl struggles with a serious illness (you will not find out what exactly ails her, but – as the author himself emphasized – it is not important), but she hides her constantly deteriorating condition from her colleagues.
Boku and Sakura are at opposite ends of the class pyramid – she is always laughing and popular, he is a secretive, unobtrusive loner, but this mismatched pair will be brought together by the secret Boku uncovered. The exuberant and optimistic Sakura will eventually change Boku’s attitude towards the world, although as can be expected the finale will be bittersweet.
The book certainly lacks a little maturity: it’s a little naive and cliché, above all, asso similar stories about the struggle of young people with the disease can be found in popular literature – and more broadly, in pop culture – but the fact remains: “KimiSui” is the favorite tearjerker of the last few years, and from an anonymously published online novel it became a national bestseller, which was adapted into a movie and an anime series.
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