Survival Korean is a book created by Keith Kim, the founder of Seoulistic, with TalkToMeInKorean team. Aimed at both travelers and people who for various reasons move to Korea, it introduces the basics of the language that will help with communication in the most important everyday matters.
The textbook starts with an introduction explaining the alphabet and pronunciation as well as the most basic words, and then it is divided into the following categories: food, transport, shopping, daily life, health, work. Each of them presents the most important and commonly used words, sentences or phrases with pronunciation, as well as translation and practical explanation. In addition, you will find example dialogues and interesting practical information – types of buses, tickets, conversion of clothing sizes, instructions on restaurant manners, and even how much money is the right amount for a wedding gift.
As is the case with all titles published by TalkToMeInKorean, you can listen to the audio material spoken by native speakers on their website to practice your pronunciation and listening skills.
If you are searching for a book aimed more at a tourist’s needs, we also recommend Korean Phrasebook for Travelers!